Why Scala?
- Criado em 2004
- Integra com java
- Integração gradual com funcionalidades funcionais
val is an immutable variable var is a mutable variable
- Scala has type inference
- Deve-se evitar type tests e casts
- Built-ins
- Byte: 8 bit int (-128 to 127)
- Short: 16 bit integer (-32768 to 32767)
- Int: 32 bit int - 2 billion to + 2 billion
- Long: 64 bit integer (-2^63 to 2^63-1)
- Float: 32 bit single precision float
- Double: 64 bit single precision float
- Boolean: true or false
- Char: unicode char
- String: sequence of chars
- BigInt
- BigDecimal
Immutable Collections
- Seq: have defined order
Seq(1, 1, 2)
- Set: no duplicates
Set(1, 1, 2)
- List: standard linked list
List(1, 1, 2)
- Array
- Map: key value containers
Map('a' -> 1, 'b' -> 2)
Mutable Collections
- HashMap:
- ListBuffer
- ArrayBuffer
- LinkedList
- PriorityQueue
- Stack
- StringBuilder
val ratings = Map(
"Lady in the Water" -> 3.0,
"Snakes on a Plane" -> 4.0,
"You, Me and Dupree" -> 3.5
The yield keyword means that I want to yield a new collection from the existing collection that I’m iterating over in the for-expression, using the algorithm shown.”
String manipulations
val name = s"$firstName $mi $lastName"
// or
val name = s"Name ${firstName} ${mi} ${lastName} has ${2 + 2} years"
""" Inline
sucks so use
multiple """
adds a line after string while print
only adds a word
Control Structures
- For
- While
- try catch finally
- If then else
- Match expressions
- são bastante importantes
classes on scala don't allow static methods
There is a special type of classes called case classes
Are like interfaces in Java
Are like classes but for every definition has one single instance.
- Default é 2 espaços de identação
Naming convention
- Class Names - StoreEmployee
- Variable - firstName
- Methods - toUpper
- Evita usar o return
- Evita variáveis mutáveis
Principios para tornar um código funcional
- reduce side-effects (no mutating state)
- Referential transparent
- Idempotent is referential transparent but may not be the other way around (ƒ(x) ≠ ƒ(ƒ(x))) !=
- Be immutable
Pure function advantages
- Reduces race conditions
- less complex
- readability
Function that can accept and/or return a function
Linked lists are the bread and butter of functional programming
Functional composing
// Compose creates a function that composes other functions
val fComposeG = f _ compose g _ //== f(g())
// andThen composes but calls the functins by order
f _ andThen g _ # g(f())
Partial functions
Has rank-1 polymorphism
Persistent data structures and structural sharing
Creates versions for each update and shares common data between versions
Partial and full structural sharing: use part of the full data structure between versions
Strict vs Lazy (non strict)
Strict is where all arguments of a function are evaluated before executing
Chaining → Linked List
Hash Table
- Modifications require whole copy of table
- Scala uses Tries to optimize hash tables
Hash Tries
- Each node has a number of children (Base N)
- Each entry has a hash number that facilitates search
Use optional params not overloading
- Case class automattically adds functions like comparison, applies, etc
Pattern matching
- Extracts properties contained in the case
Folding vs Reduce
- Folding requires an initial value
- Category properties
- Identity
- Composition
Functor : Mapping of objects from a category into another
- Nil is for Lists and None is for Options
We can nest behaviour inside each Spec
- doBefore & doAfter
- doFirst & doLast